Virtual Reality Simulations for Education
These are simulations that I helped to create.

Nurse's Escape
Nurse's Escape
Nurse's Escape is a VR game that simulates an escape room based on the Sepsis Bundle. The purpose is to supplement nurse's lecture-style curriculum with an interactive way to test nurse’s Sepsis knowledge. Sepsis is one of the leading causes of deaths and hospitalizations yearly, so equipping nurses with the right skills and information to treat sepsis in a timely manner can save lives and money. Help treat the millionaire's illness before time runs out!
This game is sponsored by the University of Nebraska Medical Center's College of Nursing-Lincoln.

Rollover Ranch
Rollover Ranch
Rollover ranch is a fun and educational IVR game that simulates tractor, ATV, and electrical safety. Tractor and ATV rollovers are the biggest cause of farm-related deaths each year. UNMC College of Nursing wants to supplement its nursing curriculum and provide public safety education to the Ag community, especially the youth in hopes of promoting Ag safety. The game allows the user to drive around a farm and complete different activities, all while operating the equipment safely and avoiding hazards. If the player takes proper safety measures, they should be able to complete the activities and survive to tell their friends. Work the farm and learn about safety, all are welcome to download and join in the fun.