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Home - Services

Consulting Services

Here at XRenegades, we will help you with whatever part of the process you are in currently or from start to finish.

I want to make selecting a solution that is right for your department/company super easy and seamless. I want to make sure you have the right applications for your specific case scenario and that you and your staff get the training you need to make immersive technology a staple in your business.



Consulting & Advisory

  • Work with you to understand your project/simulation needs
  • Create a plan
  • Propose handpicked immersive technology experts/companies for your project.
  • Introduce you to these experts and then walk you through the process.


Technical Setup

  • Onsite consultation for technical setup with your staff/faculty. (Travel costs apply)
  • Work with your staff/faculty to remotely setup technology.
  • Assist you in selecting the hardware for your specific solution
  • How to/ Setup Guides


Implementation & Training

  • Implementation of specific solution
  • Be onsite for implementation (Travel costs apply)
  • Training Tutorials on common software and hardware
  • Train the trainer services
  • Introductions to products/solutions
  • Solutions on where to find other training materials
  • Creating scripts for simulation scenarios
  • How to Guides

To learn more about our immersive technology solutions & services

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